Author: Munster Agricultural Society
Credits: Munster Agricultural Society
Copyright: Munster Agricultural Society
Keywords: 1940, Minutes, General Committee
Meeting of the General Committee held on Saturday, 18th May, 1940, with Mr. E.J. Clarke in the chair.
General Committee: Meeting of the general committee held on Saturday 18th May, 1940, the president, E.J. Clarke in the chair, also present Miss G Montgomery, Professor C.Boyle, Ald. W.Desmond, Commander W.R Hodder, Messrs N.Hayes, T.O'Sullivan, J.S Henderson, M.D. Hosford, H.S Hayes, J.D.F Good, D.Cronin, J.O'Regan, J.B Roberts, H.Twomey, and A.Morrison, Hon. Secretary.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and signed.
Vote of condolence: On the motion of Mr.J.B Roberts, seconded by Ald. Desmond, a vote of condolence was passed to Mr David Barry, of Dungourney, on the tragic death of his son, and, on the motion of Mr.A.H Good, seconded by Mr.D Cronin, the following cheques, as recommended by the Finance Committee, were passed:-
Guardian Assurance Co. £3,13,6;
Mrs M Galvin. £27.6.0;
E.S.B 4.15.10;
Roches Stores 2.4.4;
Denis Kidney 2.15.0;
Dodder 18.15.4;
Wages 46.0.0
Closing date of entries: The president reminded the members present that the entries for the forthcoming show would close on the 6th of June, and appealed to exhibitors to support the Show with entries.
Next meeting to be held at show grounds:
On the motion of Ald. Desmond, seconded by Mr.J Daly V.S, it was unanimously decided to hold the next meeting of the general committee at the show grounds.
E.J Clarke
June 15th 1940