1940 General Committee Meeting Minutes (July 21st)

 Sun, 21st Jul, 1940

Author: Munster Agricultural Society

Credits: Munster Agricultural Society

Copyright: Munster Agricultural Society

Keywords: 1940, Minutes, General Committee

Meeting of the General Committee held on Saturday, 21st July, 1940, with Mr. E.J. Clarke in the chair.

Present: F.G Hayes, J.S Henderson, M.D Hosford, T.J Spillane, L.Dobbin, A.H Good, P.J Halliden, S.Murphy, J.D Sheehy, D.Cronin, M. Ryan, MI Twomey, E.J Cussen, J.Daly, H.Twomey, E.Wall, J.A Wood and A.Morrison. 

The minutes of the last meeting were read and signed. 

Congratulations to Ald. W.Desmond. The president stated that before the minutes were read he would like to send a message of congratulation, on behalf of the society, to Ald Desmond, on his election as Lord Mayor of Cork, and he was sure they were all very pleased to hear of his election to such a high office. 

On the motion of Mr.P.J Good, seconded by Mr A.H Good, the following cheques as recommended by the finance committee, were passed:- 

Cheques: Judges & V.S N. Galway - Greer £9.10.0;
R.K Wright £2.12.6; Cupt .Purdon £1.13.10;
J.Caldwell £4.10.0; C.O'Keeffe £1.10.0;
Miss Mengan £2.10.0; Miss Byrne £4.4.10;
J.Lynch 15.0.0; A Dawson 7.0;
E.H Bowers 10.0; P.D Cullinan £2.10.0;
Miss Taylor £2.3.2; K.Ingram £6.6.0;
E. McSwiney "2.2.0; D.McMenamin £1.10.8;
Metropole Hotel: £1.15.10;
Sterling Berry: £1.14.7;
Miss Mullins £2.10.0;

Sundrys A/C's 
Gt Southern Railways £3.0.0;
Buckley Bros £2.14.0;
Farm House £3.14.8;
Fire Brigade £6.0.0;
Spratts Patent Ltd £14.11.3;
Farmers supply stores £6.18.7;
Performing Right Socy £2.0.0;
Brabants £7.12.6
Delacies £1.18.4; 
No. 2 Army Band £17.0.0;
Ocean Assce Co. £2.0.0;

Cork Examiner. £47.9.0; Independent Newspapers £19.10;0; Irish Press £11:5:0. Irish Times £12.0.0; Farmers' Gazette £13;0;0; Dog Ward £1;5.6; Our Dogs £1;11;6; Irish Field £1.0.0; Church of Ireland Gazette - ".0;0;. 

Fodder: H.S Hayes £7.7.10;
F Bowen £12.12.0; J.Murphy £7.7.4
P O'Connell. £20.16.9; Kennefick £5.4.0; 
Eagle Printing Works £250; K.Houston £7.4.3;

General A/C's. Waters & Sons. £3.2.0; 
Haughtons £14.2.6; E.S.B £3.11.4;
Desmonds £10.0.0; Scott's £9.8.10;
Atkins Chrinside £25.4.0;
Archer Bros £5.7.0;
Cork Corporation £1.6.11; Telephone A/C £18.16.7;
Irish Rugby football Union £2.10.0;
Cork Gas Co. £5.19.0; Petty Cash Payments - £6.12.0; Cork Chemical & Dung £13.0.2; South Union Hunt £15.0; 

Prizes: Horses £167.10.0; Jumping £137.0.0;
Cattle £264; Sheep £27.0.0; Butter £23.15.0; 
Buttermaking £12;0;0 Poultry & Eggs £45.10.6; 
Dogs £172.4.0; Arts & Crafts £155.7.8;
Horticultural £32.3.0;
Total:- £1,036.10.2

Wages £46.3.4
Total Cheques: £1,791:0:10

On the motion of Mr N Hayes, seconded by Mr A.H Moore, the following members were elected:- 

New members: 
D.Coleman, Denson's Quay, Kinsale;
John Gibbons, Victoria House, Cork;

Votes of Condolences: 
On the motion of Mr T.O'Sullivan, seconded by Mr.P.J Halliden, a vote of condolence was passed to Mr.E.Corcoran on the death of his brother Mr D.Corcoran, of Kilvoultre, Macroom. A similar vote was passed to the relatives of the late Mr. T.O'Brien, on the motion of Mr. A.Mullins, seconded by Mr. J.D Sheehy. 

                                                                                               E.J Clarke
                                                                                                 Aug 17th 1940 

