1940 General Committee Meeting Minutes (August 17th)

 Sat, 17th Aug, 1940

Author: Munster Agricultural Society

Credits: Munster Agricultural Society

Copyright: Munster Agricultural Society

Keywords: 1940, Minutes, General Committee

Meeting of the General Committee held on Saturday, 17th August, 1940, with Mr. E.J. Clarke in the chair.

Present: Miss G. Montgomery, The Lord Mayor, Ald Wm. Desmond, Messrs T.O'Sullivan, A.Mullins, N.Hayes, P.J O'Connell, F.G.Hayes, J.S Henderson, T.J Spillane, P.J Halliden, S.Murphy, E.J Cussen, J.Daly, N.R.C.V.S, J.F.D Good, J.B Roberts, E.Wall, J.A.Wood. 

The minutes of the last meeting were read and signed. 

Letter from Mr E.J Cussen: 
A letter was read from E.J Cussen, secretary, Cork Farmers' Union Abattoir & Marketing Co., stating that Mr.S.McGuckian, the pig farm, Cloughmills, Co. Antrim, would have deliver a lecture on the subject ''Pigs & Pig Production'' in the dairy science hall, university college Cork, on Tuesday, September 3rd, and that his company would be very pleased if as many members as possible of the Munster Agricultural Society would attend on that occasion. A vote of thanks was passed to Mr Cussen and the company for the invitation. The president stated he was sure as many members as possible would attend the lecture. On the suggestion of Mr. O'Sullivan, Mr. Cussen then gave a brief outline of the proposed lecture. 

Lord Mayor's thanks for congratulations: 
The Lord Mayor  thanked the chairman and members for their vote of congratulations passed to him at the last meeting on his election as Lord Mayor, and added that if he could do anything for the Society during his period of office, he would be only too pleased to do it, for which the president thanked him. 

Cheques: On the motion of Mr. P.J. O'Connell, seconded by Mr. P.J. Good, the following cheques, as recommended by the Finance Committee, were passed:- 
Cork Corporation (Rent) ... £7.0.0;
Postmasters General (or Bearer)) £4.6.5;
Loss on Post Office
Guy & Co................................. £9.4.0
Wages...................................... 46.3.4

Votes of Condolences:
On the motion of the President, Mr E.J Clarke, seconded by Mr. T.O'Sullivan, a vote of condolence was passed to the relatives of the late Mr. MI Murphy, of messrs Wm. Marsh & Sons, and, on the motion of Mr. T.O'Sullivan, seconded by E.Wall, a similar vote was passed to the relatives of the late Mr J.Keane, of Crookstown. 
                                                                                                  E.J Clarke
