Author: Munster Agricultural Society
Credits: Munster Agricultural Society
Copyright: Munster Agricultural Society
Keywords: 1932, Minutes, Annual General Meeting
Annual General Meeting of the Society held at the Commercial Rooms South Mall Cork, On Saturday , 30th January, 1932. The President Capt. Clarke in the chair and there was a large attendance of members.
Annual General Meeting of the Society held at the Commercial Rooms South Mall Cork, On Saturday , 30th January, 1932. The President Capt. Clarke in the chair and there was a large attendance of members.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & signed .
The Secretary read the annual report for the year and the accounts as submitted by Messrs. Atkins Chermside auditors was taken as read. The President Capt. Clarke explained the details relating to the a/cs and after a short discussion on the motion of Capt. Clarke seconded by Mr. P.J. Halliden the accounts were adopted . A suggestion of Mr. R.B. Martins that the accounts should be presented so as not to make them look as if then Socy was worked at a loss. Looking at the balance sheet in the light with which the first figures met the eye made it appear as above.
It was agreed to refer the matter to the auditors.
On the motion of Mr. T. O’Sullivan seconded by Mr. T. Kiely The president Capt. Clarke was unanimously re-elected President for which he returned thanks.
On the proposition of Mr. Halliden seconded by Mr. Good, Mr. Morrison was also unanimously re-elected Secretary.
On the motion of Capt. Clarke seconded by Mr. T. O’Sullivan the following were elected to represent the Counties of Munster outside Cork,
Daniel Dempsey, Shandon ,Dungarvan, Co. Waterford (representing Co, Waterford) Gen. Geo. McK. Franks, Ballyscaddane, Knocklong, Co. Limerick (representing Co. Limerick) The McGillicuddy, The Reeks , Beaufort Co. Kerry (representing Co. Kerry). E. MacLysaght, Raheen, Tuamgraney, Co. Clare ( representing Co. Clare) Francis N. Grene, Cappamurra, Dundrum, Co. Tipperary (representing Co. Tipperary)
The following motion which was proposed by Mr Stephen Graham & seconded by.
Mr. N. Hayes was passed:- That in further the meeting known as the Half- yearly meeting should not be held.
An amendment moved by Mr. Corcoran was not seconded .
The following was proposed by the President and seconded by N. Hayes & passed:-‘’That rule 9 paragraphs 3 and 4 ,governing the election of the Show Committee ,be amalgamated and altered to read as follows:- The Show Committee shall consist of nine members elected from among the members of the General Committee. The three members giving the least number of attendances shall retire annually , but shall be eligible for –re-election if they are still members of the General Committee. The vacancies thus made shall be filled up by the General Committee at the October Meeting. Nominations for all Candidates ,except the retiring members ,must be handed in at the September Meeting and nominations for the election of the retiring Members may be handed in on the day of election.’’
Proposed by Mr. D. Ross and seconded by Mr. A.N. Good .
That members who cease paying their subscriptions shall pay a double subscription the first year they desire re-admission. Passed.
Scrutineers were appointed & declared the following elected to the General Committee:- Messrs. J. O’Regan, Capt. W.R. Clarke, John Henderson, Tom McGrath, John J. Crean, E.J. O’Grady, Denis Hurley, Terry O’Brien, J. Lehane, Miss G. Montgomery, F.G. Hayes, W. Richardson, Major Watt.
N. Hayes