1892 General Committee Meeting Minutes (February 6th)

 Tue, 2nd Feb, 1892

Author: Munster Agricultural Society

Credits: Munster Agricultural Society

Copyright: Munster Agricultural Society

Keywords: 1892, Minutes, General Committee

Meeting of the General Committee dated February 6th, 1892, with James Byrne in the Chair


Capt. Woodley

S. Logan

S.A Nash

W.J Donegan

J. Henderson

J. Reed

W. Roberts

R.H Hayes

D. Stoker

S. French

J. Jones

Capt. Newenham

J.A Love

J. Ahern

R. Newman


The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. 

Mr. Michael Hennessy, Ballindeasig, Ballyfeard, having been proposed at a former meeting of the society was elected member. 

The following gentlemen were proposed and seconded as members of the society, H.B Moynihan, Macroom, proposed by Capt. Woodley, seconded by Sir. G Lothurst, J.H Thompson, proposed by Sir. G Lothurst, seconded by Capt. Woodley, R. Hayes, Lakemount, Bandon, proposed by W. Roberts and seconded by R.H Hayes. 

On the motion of Mr. French, it was decided that Mr. L.A Beamish, D. Hall, and G. Furlong should judge the plans for the new show yard. 

On the motion of J. Ahern, seconded by Capt. Newenham, it was decided to adjourn the meeting until that day fortnight, out of respect for the late Capt. Sarsfield and the secretary was directed to write to Mr. Sarsfield and convey to her the sympathies of the society. 

                                                                                                                  George Lothurst 
