1892 General Committee Meeting Minutes (February 27th)

 Sat, 27th Feb, 1892

Author: Munster Agricultural Society

Credits: Munster Agricultural Society

Copyright: Munster Agricultural Society

Keywords: 1892, Minutes, General Committee

Meeting of the General Committee dated February 27th, 1892, with Sir George Colthurst in the Chair


G. Murphy

S. Logan

W. McDonnell

S. French

S. Walton

J. Henderson

H. Good

R. Good

Major Shopford

J. Reed

A. Reed

J. Jones

W. Roberts

General Davies

A Ferguson

J. Bird

A.G Warren

Capt. Newenham

N. Hayes

D. Stoke

The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.

The following gentlemen having been proposed at a former meeting of the society were elected members, H.B Moynihan, J.H Thompson, and R. Hayes. 

The following gentlemen were proposed as members of the society, Michael Russell, Charleville, proposed by S. Graham, seconded by Sir. George Lothurst, W.P Hall, proposed by Sir. George Lothurst, seconded by J. Ahern, S. Conroy, Grange, Douglas, proposed by Capt. Newenham, seconded by J. Ahern. 

The three gentlemen nominated to adjudicate on the plans for the new show yard reported that of the eight plans read for competition, they had selected two as being superior to the others, marked respectively, ''Native Industry'' and ''Fiat Justeka Ruat boelum'' and of these two considered ''Fiat Justeka Ruat boelum'' was the best, it was accordingly decided on the motion of Mr. French, seconded by Mr. A Ferguson to adopt this plan, on the sealed envelope being opened by the chairman it was that the Author of the successful design was Mr. John Leslie O'Hanlon, Dartmouth House, Upper Leeside Street, Dublin, the secretary was accordingly directed to write to this gentlemen and ask him to come down and meet the directors of the company on Thursday at 2:30. 

It was decided to hold the annual show on Thursday and Friday, 7th + 8th of July. 

                                                                                                                         James Byrne
