1891 General Committee Meeting Minutes (October 3rd)

 Tue, 3rd Nov, 1891

Author: Munster Agricultural Society

Credits: Munster Agricultural Society

Copyright: Munster Agricultural Society

Keywords: 1891, Minutes, General Committee

Meeting of the General Committee dated October 3rd, 1891, with J. Byrne in the Chair


J. Bird

J. Henderson

W. Roberts

Major Shopford

Capt. Woodley

A.G Warren

G. Walton

S. Nash

J. Ahern

J. Morrison

S. Logan

W. McDonnell

Capt. Newenham

J. McKensie

J. Jones

R. Newman

Sir. G. Lothurst

J. Donovon

R.H Hayes

D. Stoker

R.H Beamish

L.A Beamish

W.H Beamish


The minutes of the former meeting were read and confirmed. 

The following gentlemen having been proposed at a former meeting of the society were elected members S. Roche Kelly, Capt. Carrigie, P. Donovon, C. Murphy, J. Payne Shears, William Smiddy. 

The following were proposed for membership;
J. Coffey, Buxton Hill, Sundayswell, prop. by J. Byrne, sec. by Capt. Newenham
R. Hartland, The Lough, Cork, p. by Capt Newenham, s. J. Jones 
M. McMullin, Southmall, Cork, p. by Capt Newenham, s. J. Bird
M. Hunt, Crossheaven, Cork, p. by Capt Newenham, s. J. Bird
J. Scannel, Warrens Place, Cork, p. by G. Walton, s. Capt. Newenham
Anderson, Cork, p. by J. Bird, s. J. Ahern

Secretary read letter from Mr. Hall enclosing cheque for £10 towards forming a fruit grower association in connection with the society on the motion of Mr. Meade, seconded by Mr. Ahern, it was decided to refer the matter to a sub-committee consisting of the following gentlemen who would have power to add their number, Sir. George Lothurst, J. Byrne, S. Logan, S. French, R.H Beamish, L.A Beamish, G. Murphy. 

Mr. Bass solicitor waited on the committee and mentioned that he had inquired into the power of the corporation to grant a lease of a portion of the park and he was of the opinion that they had power to give a good holding lease. 

After considerable discussion, it was decided on the motion of Mr. Meade seconded by Mr. Bird, that Mr. Bass be instructed to write to the town Clerk and inform him that on no account would the society take a lease unless they were given a free hand to use the ground as they thought fit. 

Sir. George Lothurst proposed and Mr. Beamish seconded and it was unanimously adopted the secretary be instructed to write to the town clerk for a definite answer. 

                                                                                                                    James Byrne
