1891 General Committee Meeting Minutes (March 7th)

 Sat, 7th Mar, 1891

Author: Munster Agricultural Society

Credits: Munster Agricultural Society

Copyright: Munster Agricultural Society

Keywords: 1891, Minutes, General Committee

Meeting of the General Committee dated March 7th, 1891, with J. Byrne in the Chair


W. Roberts

Col. Aldworth

S.A Nash

S. Logan

D. Stoker

R.A Hayes

J. Bird

J. Reed

H. Reed

W. McDonnell

A. Ferguson

A.J Foster

Sir. Lothurst

J. Ahern

C. Garfit

A.G Warren

General Davies

R. Newman

W.R Meade

J.A Love

Capt. Newenham

W.H Beamish

W.J Donovon

G. Walto

The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. 

The secretary read the correspondence which passed between him and the corn market trustees with reference to the yard, in the last letter from the trustees they stated that they could not give the yard for the time required by the society it was accordingly unanimously decided on the motion of Sir. George Lothurst seconded by Mr. A Ferguson that a committee of the following gentlemen be appointed to inspect the race course and to wait on the race committee and ask for permission to use their premises. Sir George Lothurst, Mr. A Ferguson, Capt. Newenham, Mr. Warren, Mr. Love, and General Davies. 

On the motion of Mr. W.R Meade and seconded by Mr. W.A Beamish it was decided to hold the annual general meeting of the society on Saturday 21st next. 

The secretary read letter from Mr. Baxter, of the Irish Pig Improvement Association which it was decided to refer to the show committee. 
Mr. Byrne proposed by Mr. Gallaway and seconded the following resolution which was unanimously adopted, ''that we consider the maximum charge allowed by the board of trade for the Milk Railway have an effect on the dairy interest of the country.''

The following gentlemen were proposed and seconded to fill the vacancies on the committee.
Mr. Donegan, Mr. George, J. Morrison, Mr. Good, Mr. Parker, J. Seymour, J. Henderson, R. Barker, W. Ferguson, and W. Busteed. 


