1887 General Committee Meeting Minutes (October 1st)

 Sat, 1st Oct, 1887

Author: Munster Agricultural Society

Credits: Munster Agricultural Society

Copyright: Munster Agricultural Society

Keywords: 1887, Minutes, General Committee

Meeting of the General Committee dated October 1st, 1887



L.A Beamish


R. Newman


W.H Barry


A.J Foster


J. Donovon

Col. Sullivan

W.A Beamish

James Bryne



J.H Gallaway

A.J Warren




W.J Donovon
Will McDonnell

Col. Heard

J. Bird

Mayor Barry
W.H Crawford

Capt. Townsend having been proposed and seconded at a former meeting was elected member of the society. 

Mr. Beamish was proposed by Mr. Garfit and seconded by James MacKensie as member of the society. 

Read letter from Royal Dublin Society asking for suggestions from the society as to the best means of appropriating money granted by the goverment for improving the breed of cattle in Ireland and mentioning the following queries which they wished to have answered. 

(1) What breeds you consider should be encouraged in your district. 

(2) What premises should be offered for Bulls.

(3) What should be the amount of service fees.

(4) Whether the advantages of the scheme should be restricted to farmers of inverted valuation and if so what limit you suggest. 

After considerable discussion the following resolutions were passed;
Proposed by Mr. Kergie, seconded by Mr. Hare.
''That we consider Bulls of a milking strain of short horn and was nature for the district suitable for them, are the most desirable for us to encourage.'' 

Proposed by Mr. Meade, seconded by Mr. Gallaway;
''That £15 prizes would be fair for shorthorn and £5 for premises and £3 for service, would be fair for short horns to be awarded at a show to be held in Cork in the spring and not to be paid to the successful competitors until applications are received that conditions have complied with judges to be sent by Royal Dublin Society'' 

It was decided that query 4, should be answered in the meeting. 

The following resolution proposed by Mr. Bryne and seconded by Mr. Beamish was after some discussion rejected '' that we believe the time is tight for starting a herd book for Dairy, and Cattle, and we request the Royal Dublin Society to take the initiative in the matte''.

Read letter from Col. Sullivan enclosing on from see of society for the protection of Agricultural and industry and also highlighting claims of that society under the notice of members should they so wish it, after some discussion it was on the motion of Mr. Meade seconded by Mr. R.Newman, decided that the prize object which the above society wanted to further namely ''Reform'' did not come within the scope of the agricultural society. 

                                                                                                                        Mr. Gallaway
