1887 General Committee Meeting Minutes (May 7th)

 Sat, 7th May, 1887

Author: Munster Agricultural Society

Credits: Munster Agricultural Society

Copyright: Munster Agricultural Society

Keywords: 1887, Minutes, General Committee

Meeting of the General Committee dated May 7th, 1887, with A. Ferguson Esq. in the Chair


R. Newman

L. Bogue

C. Garfit

Col. Sullivan

L.A Neamish

R.D Hare

Col. Heard

J.H Gallaway

S. French

R.E Longfield

J. Garde

A.J Holden

M. Barry

R. Baxter

J. Reid

W.H Barry

A.C Warren

J.G Hare

W. Donegan

J.A Lane

J. Kergie

R. Good

W. Ross

S. Reid

S. Hegarty

Col. Aldworth

W.H Crawford

S. Collins

Minutes of the former meeting were read and confirmed. 

Mr Geo Walter, Crossheaven having been proposed by Mr Ward and seconded by Mr Reid at former meeting was stated unanimously a member of the society.  

Read letter of 2nd of April from Shorthorn Society of Ireland enclosing copy of resolutions with reference to rail way dates and special wages for conveying stock to show. 

Read letter of 21st April from G.L Bolter, Kanturk, stating that as Mr Wallis was not running for service in November having won 1st Prize at society's show in 1886 according to the conditions he claimed the 1st prize. The question having been considered it was decided to ask the judges if they would have awarded the 1st Prize to Mr Bolter horse if prescription had not been present. 

Read letter of 19th April from Mr Lane acknowledging receipt of amended copy of butter bill and promising to give it his attention. 

Mr Hare reported that promises of donations to the show fund had been received amounting to about /3200 and the show committee therefore recommended that the annual show be held on 7th and 8th of July, if the Market committee could arrange to provide the funds for three days. 

It was arranged that L.A Neamish and M.H Barry should wait on the judges and ask them to grant the fee of the exchange for dates named. 

On the motion of L.A Beamish seconded by Mr Baxter, Mr Warren was added to the show Sub Committee. 


Mr Mahony asked the committee to accept his resignation as having undertaken other duties he could not continue to hold the position. Mr Mahony in retiring from the post stated that he regretted to have to give such short notice and it was unavoidable. He also expressed his sincere thanks for the uniform and help which he received from the members of the committee and exhibitions, he on all occasions and particularly to Mr Neamish and the members for their personal assistance during the show. 

On the motion of Mr Gallaway, seconded by Mr Baxter, it was decided that a resolution of thanks to Mr Mahony should be drawn up, expressed, and presented to him.

Mr Busteed, Crossheaven, was proposed by Mr Reid and seconded by Mr J Reid as a member of the society. 

It was arranged to have a special meeting of gen committee on 21st May to consider prize list. 

                                                                                                             K. Sullivan  

